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国家自然科学基金函评专家、国际学术期刊Journal of Vibroengineering (JVE) 和Applied Mathematical Modelling等国际杂志国际评审人。山西省振动工程学会理事。


2008/09 – 2012/12,伟德体育,伟德betvlctor体育官网,博士

2003/09 – 2006/07,太原理工大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,硕士

1994/09 – 1998/07,太原理工大学,伟德betvlctor体育官网,本科


2018/12 –今, 伟德体育,伟德betvlctor体育官网,教授

2013/07 – 2018/12,伟德体育,伟德betvlctor体育官网,副教授

2006/07 – 2013/06,伟德体育,伟德betvlctor体育官网,讲师


















1) Tiangang Pei, Bijuan Yan*, Zekun Liu, Zhangda Zhao. Dynamic ground pressure prediction of heavyduty construction vehicles considering crawler parameters. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2023,45:158(SCI: 000935902400004)

2) Tiangang Pei,Bijuan Yan*, Hao SU, Yong Song. Parameter Matching Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Crawler Vehicle And Its Driving Motor, UPB Scientic Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, 2023,85(2):163-176(EI:20232614293750).

3) Bijuan Yan , Zekun Liu, Wenjun Zhang, Shizhong Liu.Dynamic characteristics analysis of tubular stand-offlayer sandwiched structure used in driving sprocket. Int. J. Heavy Vehicle Systems, 29(2), 2022,163-179. (SCI: 000851574000004)

4) Bijuan Yan, Huijun Liang,Minjie Jin, Zhanglong Li, Yong Song. Vibration damping characteristic analysis of constrained stand-off layer damping cylindrical shell using Rayleigh-Ritz method. Engineering Computations ,2020, Vol. 37(1) , 93-119. (SCI:00050748530005).

5) Bijuan Yan, Huijun Liang,Minjie Jin. Vibration characteristic of a transition constrained damping beam based on the shear dissipating energy assumption,International Journal of Acoustic and Vibration,2019,24(2):356-364(SCI:000473285700017).

6) Bijuan Yan, Binhui Han, Jun Wang and Dagang Sun. Vibration isolation analysis of tubular sandwiched structure used for trackless rubber-tyred vehicles. Polymers and Polymer Composites,2018, Vol. 26(5–6) ,380–388.(SCI:000447565400005).

7) Bi-Juan Yan, Zhang-Da Zhao, Bao-Xiang Lang and Peng Xu. Damping characteristic analysis and application of a tubular stand-off-layer sandwiched structure[J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 65(6), pp522-530 2017. (SCI:000423336700002).

8) Bijuan Yan, Baoxiang Lang, Zhangda Zhao and Dagang Sun. Acceleration Analysis of Tubular Constrained Damping Engine Mount.International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol.9(4),pp 234-240,2017.(EI:20180304650928).

9) 燕碧娟,张文军,李占龙,孙大刚.层间过渡约束阻尼结构动力响应的分布参数传递函数解[J].振动与冲击, Vol.35(5),pp 186-190,2016.(EI:20161502242395).

10) 燕碧娟,孙大刚,张文军,李占龙.农业机械管状过渡阻尼结构参数分析及优化[J].农业工程学报. Vol.31(22),pp 56-62,2015.(EI:20154901641981).

11) Bijuan Yan, Dagang Sun, Wenjun Zhang, Zhanlong Li. Analysis of tubular visco-elastic suspension based vibration isolation in wheeled construction vehicles [J]. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol.7(2),pp 51-54,2015.(EI:20153301178739).

12) Bijuan Yan, Zigui Li, Zhixia Wang. A Study on the New Automatic Limited-Slip Differential[J]. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, Vol.7(3),pp 257-263,2014.(EI:20151400700239).

13) 燕碧娟,孙大刚,宋 勇,章 新.基于结构-热耦合的间隔阻尼管状结构温度特性分析[J].机械强度,2014, 36(5):829-833.

14) 燕碧娟,孙大刚,宋勇,章新.履带车辆支重轮粘弹阻尼减振设计与分析[J].机械设计与制造.2014(3):227-231.

15) 燕碧娟,李昕涛.声发射-小波包-BP网络在振动筛故障诊断中的应用[J].矿山机械,2013(41):92-95.

16) Bijuan Yan, Dagang Sun, Yong Song, Xin Zhang. Stress-deformation-temperature behavior of a rolling segmented constrained layer damped bogie wheel [J].Noise Control Engineering Journal,Vol.60(6),pp655-664,2012.(SCI:000316047400003、EI:20131116105217).

17) Bijuan Yan, Dagang Sun, Yong Song, Xin Zhang. Segmented constraining layer damping treatments for bogie wheel [J]. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, Vol.43(5), pp 29-36,2012.(EI:20122415110146).

18) 燕碧娟,孙大刚,宋勇,章新.基于振动能耗散的间隔阻尼层合支重轮参数优化[J].农业工程学报. Vol.27(1),pp 175-179,2011.(EI:20113414254067).

19) Dagang Sun,Bijuan Yan*, Binhui Han, Yong Song, Xin Zhang. Vibration characteristic simulation of a pneumatic artificial muscle damping seat, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control,2016, Vol. 35(1): 39-51(SCI: 000376681100005, EI:20161702283098)

20) 燕碧娟 徐鹏 赵章达 带槽管状过渡约束阻尼结构振动特性分析,2020, 40(1):14-19.

21) 郎保乡 燕碧娟* 赵章达 徐鹏.层间过渡约束阻尼梁有限元建模与振动-阻尼特性分析,机械强度,2018,41(3):551-556.

22) Bijuan Yan. Study of theonlineautomaticnon-destructive detectingsystem of thecracks in vibrating screen[C].3rd international Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Advanced Materials Research, 2012.03.27-29,pp 661-664, Xiamen, China, 2012.(EI:20121314894589). (2012.03.27-03.29)

23) Yan,B.J., Sun,D.G, andSong,Y.. Buffer property analysis of segmented constrained layer damping bogie wheel[C].3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011,Vol.1,pp654-657, Shanghai, China,2011.(EI:20111213849128). (2011.01.06-01.07)

24) Da-Gang Sun, Jin-Jun Guo, Yong Song,Bi-juan Yan, Zhan-Long Li. Flutterstability analysis of perforated damping blade for large wind turbine[J]. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials(SCI: 000460033500007)

25) Wenjun Zhang, Dagang Sun,Bijuan Yan, Zhanlong Li.The semi-analytical method for damping of tubular transition layer damping structure[J].Journal of Vibroengineering(EI :20180804827604)

26) 王军,孙大刚,张武鹏,燕碧娟.掘进机电控箱减振系统建模及参数匹配分析[J].振动、测试与诊断,2017, 37(5),1004-1010.(EI:20175104547886)

27) 孙宝,孙大刚,李占龙,燕碧娟.粘弹结构模态损耗因子分析的修正模态应变能法[J].兵工学报, 2016, 37(1): 155–164.(EI: 20161202132657)

28) 张文军,孙大刚,燕碧娟,李占龙.过渡约束阻尼结构损耗因子的复刚度法[J].应用基础与应用科学学报,2016, 24(6),1296-1306.(EI:20170303249630)

29) Li Zhanlong,Sun Dagang, Guo Jin, Yan Bijuan, Zhang Xin.A damping blade for wind turbine and its flutter suppressing analysis[J]. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, Vol.8(2),pp 132-139,2015.(EI:20153401206635).

30) 李占龙,孙大刚,燕碧娟,孙 宝,张文军.履带式车辆黏弹性悬架分数阶模型及其减振效果分析[J]. 农业工程学报, Vol.31(7), pp72-79,2015.(EI: 20151800797512)

31) Dagang Sun, Xin Zhang, Yong Song,Bijuan Yan. Optimization for sandwich damping composite structure used in sprocket of crawler vehicles[J]. Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol.14(1), pp 95-110, 2012.(SCI:000299347100005;EI:20120514726448)

32) Yong Song, Dagang Sun, Xin Zhang,Bijuan Yan. An analytical solution to steady-state temperature distribution of N-layer viscoelastic suspensions used in crawler vehicles[J]. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems.Vol.19(3), pp 281-298,2012. (SCI: 000306509100004, EI: 20123015270051)

33) 章新, 孙大刚,宋 勇, 燕碧娟.基于非线性特征的黏弹性悬架系统减振特性分析[J]. 农业工程学报, Vol.28(9), pp47-51,2012.(EI: 20122615179285)

34) 章新, 孙大刚,宋 勇, 燕碧娟. 低频重载下黏弹性减振器阻尼缓冲性能分析[J]. 中国机械工程,23(14):1651-1655,2012.

35) Yong Song, Dagang Sun, Xin Zhang, Bijuan Yan. A solution to steady-state temperature distribution for N-combination-layer viscoelastic suspensions with nonuniform heat generation[J]. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics,Vol.12(6), pp 261-269,2011.(EI:20120914803274)

36) 孙大刚,干奇银,杨兆民, 燕碧娟.间隔阻尼层式支重轮缓冲性能分析[J].农业工程学报,Vol.25(8), 78-81, 2009.(EI:20094512421218).


1.燕碧娟 孙大刚 王军 宋勇 孙宝,一种仿生层间过渡振动能耗散结构2014.09.22,中国,ZL 201410483212.X

2.燕碧娟 李自贵一种三绳缠绕式提升机钢丝绳张力复合锥齿轮平衡装置ZL201710337611.9

3.燕碧娟 赵章达路面垃圾清扫分类回收式吸扫车ZL201710378475.8

4.燕碧娟 刘威 一种车用电磁粘性耗能组合式减振装置及控制方法,2021.04.23,ZL201910431674.X

5.孙大刚,张洋,张弘,李占龙,段志刚,张武鹏,张洪宁,燕碧娟. 一种带液压环路的管状橡胶减振器,ZL 201710025443.x,中国发明专利

6.孙大刚,郭进军,李占龙,燕碧娟,张洪宁,张洋.共固化阻尼穿孔型抑颤结构的风力机叶片及其制作方法, ZL 201611187229.6,中国发明专利

7.李昕涛 燕碧娟 冯晓鹏 王爱玲 李卫士 梁学强,变行程液压推升装置, 2015.10.28,ZL 201310655135.7

8.李自贵 赵春江 王正谊 燕碧娟 晋民杰,牙嵌式自动防滑圆锥齿轮差速器, 2012.12.05, ZL 201010192393.2


10. 赵章达王志霞燕碧娟郎保乡徐鹏.一种模块化减振驱动轮, 2021.11.20,ZL201810311240.1

11. 燕碧娟、梁慧君、刘威、徐鹏、赵章达.一种半主动减振座椅集成控制结构. 2023.01.03, ZL 201810564362.1




燕碧娟,王凯民,董浩.矿山视觉感知识别软件V1.0,2024SR0152904, 2024.01.23